Open letter to the President of the United States Joe Biden

An open letter by Dr. Amir Mortasawi and Wolfgang Effenberger (english version)

SEP 26, 2024

Dear Mr. President,

We are eagerly awaiting your visit to Germany, planned for October 10, 2024, and we fervently hope that you, at the age of 81, after more than 50 years of political activity and at the end of your term as US President, will use your opportunities to avert an impending nuclear war.

We are aware that you played a prominent role in the development of the current plight. As US Vice President under Obama, you, together with Ms. Victoria Nuland as Assistant Secretary of State, played a decisive role in the coup d’état in Ukraine in February 2014 and the subsequent development towards civil war.

In September 2014, the US Training and Doctrine Command adopted the document “The US Army Operating Concept: Win in a Complex World: 2020-2040; TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-1”. In it, the US Armed Forces get prepared for future conflicts and instructed to reduce the threat posed by Russia and China over these two decades.

As US President, you signed the new National Defense Strategy in October 2022, which sets out the key tenets of the document “Win in a Complex World: 2020-2040”:

– Reducing the growing multidisciplinary threat from China

– Deterring the challenge posed by Russia in Europe

The current US nuclear doctrine manifests the exclusion of any renunciation of a nuclear first strike.

Furthermore, the defense strategy for implementing these priorities calls for building a lasting advantage for the United States.

How does a country with these pretensions intend to live in lasting peace with other nations?

Over the ongoing struggle for a unipolar versus multipolar world order, the planet will stumble into an unprecedented catastrophe.

You, Mr. President, could by now still prevent this! The US doctrine set out in the document “Win in a Complex World: 2020-2040” was decided during your time as US Vice President and it determines American policy — an imminent danger to world peace.

Put an end to the war against Russia, Mr. President!

The USA must reconcile with the world — externally and internally!

Please help to abandon the US pursuit of a unipolar world order and the exceptionalism demanded by the USA.

In a multipolar world order, the USA is urgently needed as a partner.

Go down in history as the true peace president of the United States of America!

Zur deutschen Version

Wolfgang Effenberger, former Major d.R. and publicist (Germany)

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