Artikel von Tim

Ukraine invasion: experts’ revealing discussion
With Scott Ritter and Mark Sleboda (former US counter-intelligence officers), Tony Kevin (former Australian ambassador), Joe Lauria (editor-in-chief, Consortium News) et al. https://consortiumnews.com/2022/02/25/watch-cn-live-russia-hits-back/

MAPC open letter to US delegation at Munich Security Conference
English: German:

Feb. 5: anti-war vigil in Munich — and rallies all across the USA
Diem25 is sponsoring a vigil at the Marienplatz 11:00 to 14:30 against the current threats of war with Russia (supported by local peace groups) And […]

Is a European war imminent?

Ukraine: 30 years of independence (a critical view)
Ukraine: 30 Years of Independence

Sept. 11: Code Pink Webinar on 9/11 and “War on Terror”
Never Forget: 9/11 and the 20 Year War on Terror The world changed on September 11th, 2001. The tragic deaths of almost 3,000 people and […]

Saigon 2.0: the Fall of Kabul
https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/16/afghanistan_taliban_kabul https://www.rt.com/shows/news/532737-rtnews-august-22-12msk/ Wise words of an Army chaplain on the withdrawal: “…a war begun for no wise purpose, carried on with a strange mixture of […]

Rights Attorney Donziger Pays Price for Defending Indigenous in Ecuador Poisoned by Oil
GregPalast.com Does this email not look right?View it in your browser. Facing Prison for Fighting Chevron Rights Attorney Donziger Pays Price forDefending Indigenous in […]

US troop withdrawals from Germany cancelled
The partial withdrawal of US troops from Germany announced by Trump has been cancelled by Biden. On the contrary, more troops are to be stationed […]

Drone whistleblower jailed

New Oliver Stone documentary on Kennedy assassination

Petition to include military pollution in climate treaty
Militaries have been left out of climate agreements. Why?Because including them would create a climate obligation to reduce militarism. There is huge momentum now, and […]

Haiti: president assassinated (by US mercenaries?)

UK and US troops in Yemen

Civil war in Ethiopia