Who is really U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken?

Blinken served as an adviser to Biden and was a significant influence on Biden’s support for invading Iraq under the false pretense of weapons of mass destruction. There remain few reported details of the specific ways Blinken influenced Biden’s support for the war, but details from Blinken’s time as foreign policy adviser for the Obama administration could give more insight into his lack of concern for civilians who have been terrorized by U.S. imperialism in the Middle East.

During the Obama administration, Blinken turned out to be even more neoconservative on foreign policy than the heads of the administration. Most notably, he was one of the loudest advocates for the U.S. overthrow of Libyan president Muammar al-Gaddafi, outhawking even Obama and Biden on the issue. U.S. regime change in Libya led to a country so destabilized that there are now open-air slave markets. Blinken is also an unapologetic supporter of Israel and its decades-long oppression of the Palestinian people.

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